The Green Thumb

The Green Thumb was inspired

by my love to garden!

We love tomatoes, herbs, peppers, and flowers.

Having three to four gardens takes planning and some simple garden organization routines.

Firstly, the green thumb helps get your mind in the mood for organizing outdoors, in your beautiful yards. When we set our minds on something and really want it, we do it. We go get it. So how can we get in the mood to organize? I take lots of videos and photos of our gardens every year. Watching these gets me motivated to start planning in February. I draw pictures of our garden plots and start filling in which seeds/plants we’re going to plant and where. I love researching similar gardens and plots to get great ideas. Better Homes and Gardens was my friend when I planted my first garden-a beautiful butterfly garden.

The key is to JUST START! The momentum builds and the reward is a great sense of accomplishment.

ridiculously easy to grow houseplants

Ridiculously Easy to Grow Houseplants

I’ve been asked by so many-what kind of houseplants are so hearty, you can’t kill them? Or in other words, what are the most ridiculously easy to grow houseplants? House plants are so important in many ways. Why ridiculously easy to grow houseplants? For our Health and for the Beauty of it!   They clean […]

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get your grill ready for summer and impress your party guests with a sparkling clean grill!

Sparkling Clean Grill Worksheet

Impress Your Party Guests with a Sparkling Clean Grill Worksheet   Don’t we all love the sun on our face, a cozy patio filled with family, friends, neighbors, and of course laughter? But most important… the smell of a grill flaming with our summer favorites? I’m throwing out a free sparkling clean grill worksheet and getting

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New Year and New Garden Plans

New Year and New Garden Plans

With spring just around the corner,  it’s time to plan a new year and new garden plans! I have the pleasure of following a wonderful blog all about plants! Yes, it is almost March. And as avid home organizers, we are busy dreaming about our lovely spring garden. Whether you plant an indoor, an outdoor garden,

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