Shifting Mindset Away From Clutter

The key to living an organized lifestyle is a shifting mindset away from clutter. Or, moving from a mindset of overwhelming anxiety of “I will never get this done. I can never declutter it all”…

Towards maintaining a clutter-free home and using easy habits and routines to help not only clear the clutter from your home, but falling in love with your home again. The key is to develop a shifting mindset away from clutter towards order and simplicity.

But it’s more about shifting your mindset than anything else. Allowing you to start your day with a sense of accomplishment and initiative is a powerful feeling and motivator.

A place for everything and everything in its place. One of the best ways to maintain a clutter-free home is having a place for each item in your home, and getting into the habit of putting everything away in its place regularly.

fall reset-missed opportunities

Fall Reset-Missed Opportunities

There are the obvious… buying items you already own, paying late fees because you couldn’t find the bill, and spending more on convenience items due to poor planning. Its time to chat about Fall Reset-Missed Opportunities! These are annoying, but not life-changing inconveniences. It’s the next three that are costing you more time and money […]

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fall home organization reset

Fall Home Organization Reset

Fall is in the air… can you feel it? Time for a fall home organization reset to get a jump on the change in weather and the upcoming holidays! “Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” FALL HOME ORGANIZATION RESET I actually set and achieve my goals better in the fall

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prepare for an unexpected surgery

Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for an Unexpected Surgery

What to do now to prepare for an unexpected surgery Well, it hit us pretty hard. That glaring moment when you realize you or someone you love needs to prepare for an unexpected surgery. And not just routine surgery. But surgery will take 6 months to heal before they can go back to work. And

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organized and happy rules we can't live without

Organized and Happy, Rules You Can’t Live Without

Why should we have organized and happy rules we can’t live without?   Why oh why do we need RULES? Those pesky things make us do things in a certain way. Bah. I’m my own person and don’t want to be told what to do…But we do need rules. We need them to reach our

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just 9 steps towards better sleep

Just 9 Steps Towards Better Sleep

It doesn’t get any easier-take just 9 steps towards better sleep. The hard part is putting them into practice. Into a routine that fits you and helps you sleep better. When I found this list on the web, I had to share it with you. I have written a few things about sleep before, where

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