Shifting Mindset Away From Clutter

The key to living an organized lifestyle is a shifting mindset away from clutter. Or, moving from a mindset of overwhelming anxiety of “I will never get this done. I can never declutter it all”…

Towards maintaining a clutter-free home and using easy habits and routines to help not only clear the clutter from your home, but falling in love with your home again. The key is to develop a shifting mindset away from clutter towards order and simplicity.

But it’s more about shifting your mindset than anything else. Allowing you to start your day with a sense of accomplishment and initiative is a powerful feeling and motivator.

A place for everything and everything in its place. One of the best ways to maintain a clutter-free home is having a place for each item in your home, and getting into the habit of putting everything away in its place regularly.

inner critic

That Inner Critic is Your Best Friend!

We all have one. An inner critic. That voice in our heads tries to keep us safe by avoiding taking risks. Avoiding new, challenging things. Mine tells me all the time that I just started my home organizing business, even though I have been doing it on the side professionally for years. I know what […]

That Inner Critic is Your Best Friend! Read More »

the first hour of your day

The First Hour of your Day “Makes it or Breaks It”!

How many know what to do in the first hour of your day? Experience + Response Determines the Outcome …Bruce Van Horn The first hour of our day Some of us, ok I used to, rush to get through my morning. The alarm goes off, I check my phone, the time, my social media happenings.

The First Hour of your Day “Makes it or Breaks It”! Read More »

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