gardening in style in the fall of 2020

Gardening in Style in the Fall of 2020

I’m so excited to write my first fashion and style post- gardening in style in the fall of 2020. If you have been following along with me, which I hope you have, I wrote a post “Saying Goodbye to Summer 2020”-and Hello to a Fresh Home for Fall! Where we say goodbye to summer-well!!! Fall is just around the corner. It will be sweater weather and cool off so I can get that extensive list of outdoor projects done. But let’s not focus on that right now. I want to talk about fall gardening in style and comfort.

I love FALL. It’s one of my favorite seasons. The cool breezes replace the scorching sun and hot winds. Don’t get me wrong. I love summer too. But after three months of 95 degrees and 80% humidity, I am ready to cool off. And sure enough, I got what I wished for. The temperature has dropped from 95 degrees to 65 overnight. Thank goodness we will get one more blast of summer this weekend before the cooler fall weather completely sets in.

Several of the volumes I’ve been reading lately have gone beyond plants to address the question of what to wear in the garden. I hadn’t before considered fashion in gardening (some would say I never consider it anywhere else, either) or it seems an odd notion. Or is it just these writers’ notions that are odd. Comfortable, easily washed clothes are what I wear in the garden. Gardening can be tough on the knees since so much of it is performed from a kneeling position, so I’ve learned that long pants are generally a better idea than shorts. From time to time, I’ve considered buying a pair of special gardening trousers with padded knees, but I’m sure they would always be in the wash or otherwise unavailable when wanted. I’ve tried knee pads but found them uncomfortable.

Gardening in Style in the Fall of 2020

I refuse to wear the typical t-shirt and ragged jeans outfit. Now, I have started gardening in style in the Fall of 2020 and I want to share some of my favorite pieces that are chic, comfy, and sturdy enough for gardening. Who says you must wear raggedy clothes when you garden? My garden inspires me, and I like to feel good while doing it. I feel more motivated and excited when I look good. So why not look good in the garden too?

But a little fun peek behind the scenes first! This year, despite all the craziness and isolation, we had one of the best years in our garden. Why? We paid more attention to it, spent more time in it, and really poured on the TLC! Just look at these beautiful caterpillars. You see, I have a butterfly garden just next to this bed of parsley. Not only do we love parsley, so do caterpillars! When they are getting ready to become butterflies, they gorge on my parsley plants.

gardening in style in the fall of 2020


And my spring harvest was a hit. My hubby and I both love radishes and any kind of green food. Here I am feeling very tempted to munch on this radish. Better wash it first!!!

Gardening in Style in the Fall of 2020

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Now, what do I wear when I garden? Since I love comfort and style, my particular taste is more of what I call “athletic chic”. Jeans tend to be a bit too constricting for me. I spend most of my time squatting and bending. I like to wear leggings like the ones below. They are super cute and very durable. Now some ladies have questioned me and asked if they are really as durable as jeans. I think so. I kneel on a garden pad anyway so never scrap my knees on dirt. And I need real flexibility to squat very low to tend to the plants. I think these give me the best of it all!

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Here are some of my favorite gardening tools that are not only durable but stylish too! I can’t go without quality gardening tools and supplies.

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If you have been following me on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest, then you know we are big patio lovers and spend a lot of time there. I love to decorate my patio furniture with gorgeous, affordable pillows! These come in and out of stock quickly, so check back from time to time if they are out of stock! 

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Our Love of Succulents

We are big succulent fans! Our entire front porch is full of them. Here are a few of our favorites:

These beauties grow well on our front porch. It faces the southwest and they get full hot sun most of the day. They are so easy to grow. Just plant them and toss the water and a bit of food their way now and then. Using cactus soil is crucial to maintaining beautiful succulents. They don’t thrive in regular garden soil.

For more great gardening tips, head over to “The Green Thumb” section of the blog and discover how easy and fun it is to start a garden. Betty yet, join us and get free updates and worksheets delivered right to your inbox (only 2 or 3 each month).

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