home declutter club

Home Declutter Club-One Month at a Time

Home Declutter Club

Declutter and organize one room a month using a calendar for each room, emails, and videos


I am so excited to launch my One Room a Month Home Declutter Club. I open enrollment to this club in January of each year and close enrollment at the end of February. It’s an exciting opportunity to declutter your entire home at a comfortable pace with simple tools and live help!

Now, this is Part 2 of the post-2019 Home Organization Resolutions that I published a week ago. We continue chatting about how we are going to refresh and reboot our homes…from decluttering each room and organizing to our taste. What can be a better start to our New Year?

home declutter club

My mantra for January is “Start Fresh”. If you haven’t already, start by joining the 2019 Home Organization Reboot here! We’ll focus on one room a month, use a calendar with tasks that easily help you declutter and reboot. I usually work one on one with folks and declutter their homes by category-like paper, books, pictures, clothing, kitchen, and bath. This is incredibly intense for an online challenge.

Instead, we are focusing on one room a month, by type of item. So, you’ll have one room and declutter by category (some of the ones I listed above) until that room is completely rebooted or refreshed. The pace and assignments are much easier to manage, follow, and complete. And we all want that. Trying to do too much at one time causes us to quit. None of that.

So, we’ll take:

Big Goal →2019 Home Declutter Reboot and

not let it scare us or stop us,

face the fear and anxiety,

and just start!

Breaking down big goals that can be scary is key. When we fear something our brains to stop us. To protect us. But, we don’t always need to stop in the face of fear. Actually, we need to push forward and face the discomfort. To WIN! Once we do more and more things that are scary, we build MOMENTUM and JOY. Pride in what we can do!

2019 One Room a Month Declutter Club is completely free this year. If you are a current member or subscribe to my community and emails, you will need to join and register for this reboot separately here. When you register for the reboot and also want to subscribe to my community and receive even more fun, easy and valuable tips, and services, sign up here. One of my big goals for 2019 is to grow my online community so if you would, and are not a regular subscriber, consider joining and becoming a regular member here!

Ending on a happy note, we can end each post by spreading happiness. Your challenge today is to do three extra acts of kindness for other people. Ready, steady… GO!

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