big 2020 garden goals

Big 2020 Gardening Goals

It’s time… My favorite time of year. The time where I share big 2020 gardening goals with you. From March through September, I garden. Both indoors and outdoors. I write, photograph and video my gardens and share them here and all over social media.

I share more than my big 2020 gardening goals, I share how I have gardened for over 50 years. Both indoors and outdoors. From planning the garden in March and April to planting in May and harvesting until September. Gardening is liberating and fully satisfying. Nothing gives us more joy than getting to close to nature as we can and eating off the land. Let’s start…

Big 2020 Garden Goals

Getting ready- Planning your first or any garden does not have to be overwhelming.

As a matter of fact, I have gardened since I was 6 years old. My first garden was 2 pots-tomatoes and parsley. I recommend you start simple too with a couple of your absolute favorite things you love to eat. Easy and a sure win to keep you motivated!

First, Google your state’s gardening guide. Every state has one. For example, I googled Kansas Gardening Guide and found an 80-page detailed step-by-step guide packed with all the info I needed to start and maintain any kind of garden.

Consider making a timeline. Start with what to plant. What are your favorite recipes and snacks? How much space do you have? You can plant indoors or outdoors.  What zone do you live in? Here is a link to the U.S. planting zones:  What needs to be planted indoors and what plants should you buy?

When you get your state gardening guide, decide when and where you should plant. How much light and direct sun do they need? Where will you plant each plant? It depends on the amount of light they need. Your state guide will guide you through this. Walk through these questions to start and then grab your state’s gardening guide and read through it. It’s a quick read and will give you an immediate idea of where to start and how much gardening you want to take on.

I have herb, vegetable, and butterfly gardens. The butterfly garden is 90 percent perennial and comes back each year on its own.

big 2020 gardening goals
Butterfly hatching in my butterfly garden

One of my big 2020 gardening goals is growing herbs. The herb and veggies garden seeds are planted indoors and planted in May, just after Mother’s Day. I throw butterfly and humming birdseed in the butterfly garden in April and they have no trouble sprouting into glorious flowers. I got the garden designs for all my beds from Better Homes and Gardens here 

More things to consider when starting your big 2020 gardening goals:

Keep your tools organized. Here are some of my favorite tools that I love and use in my gardens.

Prepare and protect both your plants and wild animals. Do you want to go all organic and chemical-free? Do you want to add a simple fenced-in area so that animals can’t eat your hard-earned crop? Your local hardware center may have kits you can buy that you can easily install. Here are a few on Amazon:

I hope that “big 2020 gardening goals” give you a solid start on your gardening journey. Stick around and join me for lots more garden fun, outdoor videos and live classes, free worksheets, and planning guides, and all-around fun. Join here to get real-time updates:

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Take a look at the Green Thumb. The section of my blog totally devoted to gardening!

See you in the next week or so for more garden inspiration and tips.

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