Organize a Productive Office

You may think that you don’t have time to organize a productive office, but if you really knew how much time that disorganization cost you, you’d reconsider.

Rearranging and moving piles occasionally doesn’t make for a productive office. Neither does clearing off your desk if you swipe the mess into a bin or a desk drawer.

A relatively neat and orderly office space clears the way for higher productivity and less wasted time.

To organize a productive office, it doesn’t have to take days, it can be done a little at a time. In fact, maintaining an organized office is much more effective if you treat it like an on-going project, instead of a massive assault.

So, if you’re ready to get started, the following organizing tips will help you transform your office into an efficient workspace.

organize your paper with these easy tips!

Organize Your Paper With These Easy Tips!

Organize Your Paper With These Easy Tips!  How do you organize paper? Sounds simple, doesn’t it. I hear this all the time from the majority of my audience. Well, this seems to be one of the most aggravating and challenging tasks for us to conquer. And let’s admit it, we still live paper. Despite the

Organize Your Paper With These Easy Tips! Read More »

organized medical records

Organized Medical Records

We’re talking paper again. The most important kind-organized medical records. I have talked about keeping paper organized here. But we haven’t yet covered our medical records. There are some simple, yet best practices in achieving organized medical records. I use the old-fashioned method of organizing my medical records. Yap, I’m a bit old school on

Organized Medical Records Read More »

organize paper

Tame That Paper Lion! Organize Your Paper With These Easy Tips!

How do you organize paper? Sounds simple, doesn’t it. Well, this seems to be one of the most aggravating and challenging tasks for us to conquer. And let’s admit it, we still live paper. Despite the internet, computers, and email. Our brains love and respond to the feel of paper. Yet, organizing paper does not

Tame That Paper Lion! Organize Your Paper With These Easy Tips! Read More »

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