declutter and organize the closet save time and money

Here’s How to Feel Fabulous About Your Closet(s)

Declutter and Organize the Closet:

Feel Fabulous About Your Clothes


Folks want to talk mostly about their closets when it comes to decluttering their home. There is a central point here. An organized closet saves lots of time and money. Everyone spends some time organizing what they will wear each day. Out of all of the areas that I write about, most people ask me to help them declutter and organize the closet.

A History of Closets! Did you know that in the late 1800s and early 1900s, closets became the preferred clothing solution in early American culture? In fact, the first closets built and advertised date back to The Dakota apartment building in New York City. In the 1870s, The Dakota used closets to appeal to wealthy tenets. According to a piece published in The New York Times, The closets in the Dakota were two-and-a-half feet deep and 6 feet wide. This is essentially a small, reach-in closet by today’s standards.

Today, we are trending toward ever-larger closets, often as large as rooms. This reflects current attitudes regarding the importance of our possessions and their care of them. As we acquire more, we aspire to larger closets with more storage features that appear to be integrated with the style of the home. Designated home storage has become important well beyond clothing. We require storage for cars, laundry, sports gear, and houseware. Closet storage is estimated to be about 146 square feet of an average home and beyond, according to the National Association of Home Builders.

No matter what you do for a living-an executive, an electrician, a stay-at-home mom. Everyone needs to be able to go to their closets and see everything that they own in an organized fashion. Putting your closet in simple order is not as hard as it sounds. Here is a suggested way to structure things:

Design Your Closet-Declutter and Make Areas for your Outfits. Don’t just put items in there. Think about your clothes in categories.

Do you feel exhausted when you look at your closet? Or do you excited and motivated? If you feel exhausted, you should look at what you have that you can wear that makes you feel fabulous and looks fabulous on you. Don’t keep things that no longer fit, or that you don’t feel fabulous wearing! If you have a few classic valuable pieces that you can wear, but it motivates you, keep them. But just one or two!


declutter and organize the closet

Here are some ideas:

  1. Do you mainly wear uniforms?
  2. Do you like coordinated outfits?
  3. Do you have luxury pieces?
  4. Slightly worn clothing?

Putting pieces into sections or areas of your closet will not only help you see what you have but help you get dressed faster in the outfits that you like the most. You will feel terrific and more put together with no matter what your style!

Click this link to a wonderful article explaining the value of needing only 19 pieces of clothing and having a fabulous wardrobe How to Get Ready Faster Curated Closet

I love these closet organization ideas. I personally use them and so do my clients!

I know that you can’t wait to try this program out. I know that I am off to check my closet and use this method. Find your fashion niche and declutter that closet. Your clothes will thank me for it!

Using Apps to Declutter and Organize the Closet

Here are some apps that you can download to help you organize your wardrobe. Discover clever tools to keep your closet organized. Thanks to a friend Anna Sonidsson and InStyle, I found these smart apps to organize your wardrobe. I mean I could definitely use these!


Upload photos of your newest purchases, along with snaps of the items already in your closet, to create a clothing and accessory catalog. Once your virtual closet is complete, the “My Outfits” feature helps you craft perfect pairings based on color, cut, and your personal taste. Worried about repeating an outfit? The app (free at even connects with your Google cal to note the date each look (complete with accessories) was worn.

Snap selfies in your favorite looks, then save and categorize them in the app (free at Cloth archives your outfits then uses real-time weather data to give you appropriate suggestions based on the day’s forecast. Need a little inspiration? You can also browse a feed of trending street-style shots.

Import your favorite pieces to plan outfits, make vacay-packing lists, and keep tabs on your old classics and new purchases. The app ($4; tallies how often you wear each piece so you can prioritize what to keep and what to ditch when it comes time to purge. Here’s where it gets really good: If an outfit leaves a little something to be desired, you can shop for additional pieces directly through the app and see how new finds fit in with your favorite looks.

What did you think? Drop a comment and share it with your friends or on social media.

You can get organized in a pinch by signing up for my free monthly worksheets. I also post tons of tips and hacks on social media. Links are included after this post.

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