have the best fall season yet

Have the Best Fall Season Yet!

Have the best fall season yet…

with my easy, simple and complete fall prep checklist. If you have been following me so far, you know I am all about CHECKLISTS! And about decluttering, organizing and improving our productivity. Well, Fall is no exception. Fall represents so much for me. It means the weather turns cooler, the foliage turns magnificent warm colors, we get to wear our cool fall clothes (and I love boots…so this is a biggie).

And, it also means some really important family gatherings and holiday fun is coming our way. So, let’s dive into this checklist and start celebrating Fall!


the best fall yet checklist
Credit: farmhouseliving.com


Follow these few simple steps, add your own, and get ready for a fabulous fall home organization reset!

From a recent IG post by @real_simple, we take a look at reader comments (and a few of my own) to have the best fall season yet!

1. Make and use seasonal bins. For decor, clothing, etc.

2. Start buying gift cards for holiday giving.

3. Look for fall decor sales. Don’t wait until October to expect good deals.

4. Consider off-site storage. Some who have large amounts of decor and clothing can benefit from this.

5. Sort summer clothes and donate what you did not wear.

6. Keep room in shelves, storage bins, and sheds to put summer items away. This also gives us more room for bulkier items like sweaters and jeans. Don’t overcrowd any storage area. Leave room for air and space for other items to come.

7. Keep decor organic and gather items from nature. Like pine cones, sticks, leaves, and stones. You will be surprised by how beautiful these items are in your home. And they are free!!!

8 It can be hot in August. Use being trapped indoors to do a full Fall cleaning. Like a Spring Cleaning… You will be way ahead of the game for the holidays!

9. Purge and organize your entire pantry and kitchen cabinets. I’m working on a checklist for this one soon!

10. If you make homemade holiday gifts, start buying what you need on sale and organize the items in bins.

11. Tune-up the lawn mowers for storage. Go through your winter equipment, like a snowblower, snow shovels, etc and make sure they are in top shape for inclement weather.

Your task is to add these items to your to-dos and your calendar and check them off before September 3oth! Be ready and have the best fall season yet.

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For more tips and ideas to get you started prepping for the holidays soon, read my last holiday prep post…

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