september news

September News-RYouReadytoOrganize

RYouReadyToOrganize September News…

Well, I don’t know about you, but talking about decluttering and
organizing all the time can get a bit dry. So I am shaking things
up a bit. I plan on highlighting the fun stuff from each month as
well as valuable content from my blog.

I know that everyone loves fun travel stories. This summer was
so busy and yet did not seem hectic or stressful. We had a
blast riding our 2015 Harley Trike through the beautiful hills of
Missouri and Arkansas. These states are full of the most breathtaking
motorcycle trails in the U.S. Check out the Pig Trail ride in
Arkansas below. I also grabbed a pic of us riding together too.

September News

Riding for us means connecting more to our environment, to ourselves, to
nature, and making new friends. During our ride we made many new
friendships, those with a lot of things in common with us….yes, like riding. We
are now part of some cool riding groups and are having a blast. Here is a pic
of us eating just before our Pig Trail ride.
We built great new memories to share with our family and friends. I plan on
starting a Riding Journal and write about our exciting rides. You all know I am
a big fan of journaling. I use journaling to easily declutter and organize any
room or project. I included a link below to this article. It makes organizing a

Journaling makes organizing a cinch!
Use this technique to vamp up your home organizing projects!
Yes, take me to it!
Organizing the Basement Challenge!
I am hosting a live weekly demo of a client organizing her
Let’s go!
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services. If you buy a product through my link, I may receive a small
commission, at no extra cost to you. I appreciate every click-through and buy
which supports this blog.

Visit the blog here for more great tips and worksheets! And like my Facebook page for the very latest on home and garden organization!

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