declutter the basement

Declutter the Basement Challenge

Declutter the Basement Challenge

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article here outlining how to take the first steps to declutter the basement. Here is a recap:

Now, when we declutter the basement, it’s a lot like organizing any other room. So it doesn’t have to take weeks to do. Maybe just a few days even with the most cluttered of basements. My simple separation and weeding technique will get you there in a day or two and well on your way to an organized basement.

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Mindset and motivation, declutter the basement challenge

Remember my Changing Your Mindset post a while back on developing the mindset and motivation for organizing your home? Basements are usually our “catch-all” storage room, they are full of stuff. Lots of stuff-old and new stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff. Ok, let’s move on…

declutter the basement
Organized Basement Shelves


Declutter the basement, a real live demo!

The Four Quadrant Home Organizing Method

I have a client who just recently hired me to organize her entire home. We recently shot a video of her basement. Scroll down the page a bit to view it. This is exciting. My client actually wants to organize her entire house! Again, she has the right mindset. So, this is a bittersweet moment for her. You see, my client’s house caught fire a few months ago. Before the fire, her home was full of lots of stuff. She had not organized or weeded in a very long time.

So, immediately after the fire, a special company boxed up all of her belongings. Now, it will take about 6 months to complete the home repairs so that she can move back in. And when she does, all of her stuff will come with her and all of it needs weeding and organizing. As a result, in the end, she will have a home with a new look and feel.

Having the right mindset to declutter the basement

At this point, my client is totally ready to declutter her home. This is the perfect opportunity for her to declutter and reorganize all of her belongings. Now she feels excited that she has the perfect opportunity to weed and organize her home. The fire gave her an opportunity to totally cleanse her home and start new. She has gone through some events in her life where she no longer wants nor needs a lot of her stuff.

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