get your grill ready for summer and impress your party guests with a sparkling clean grill!

Get Your Grill Ready for Summer

Get Your Grill Ready for Summer and Impress Your Party Guests

with a Sparkling Clean Grill!


get your grill ready for summer


I’m throwing out a free worksheet and get you ready for the GRILLING SEASON! 


Get Your Grill Ready for Summer!


As a special thank you to my subscribers, I am sending out a second free bonus worksheet. The scoop on getting a sparkling clean grill. And just in time for grilling season and those patio guests! Knock their socks off with a super shiny grill using this easy-to-follow worksheet.

I’ll announce the date for my live class in each worksheet I email. Worksheets are available as a special bonus for my subscribers. So, if you are not a current subscriber, sign up for this month’s worksheet and future worksheets below. We have one or two worksheet challenges each month so don’t miss out on this special opportunity.

I also, as a bonus,  walk you through the worksheet and exercise live on Instagram and share the videos and more tips.  Current subscribers, look for this bonus grill worksheet in your inbox on July 15th.

Shop here for your summer grilling parties:
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Don’t wait. Worksheets expire soon. Get Your Grill Ready for Summer and grab your worksheet

Worksheets are available as a special bonus for my subscribers. Sign up for this worksheet and future worksheets below. We have one or two worksheet challenges each month so don’t miss them. If you are already a subscriber, you will get yours automatically as part of your regular subscription, so no need to sign up again. Regular monthly worksheets are emailed to subscribers on the first Monday of each month. Grab your free monthly worksheets in the box below!

2021 indoor garden plans on any budget, start yours now!
If you are looking for more great home declutter articles and tips, head over to my blog and grab the latest news in home organization.

I want to thank each of you for reading and commenting. It is a joy to write and interact with all of you. If you would, take a minute to sign-up for the monthly news and free worksheets. They are loaded with free info and tips on gardening, organizing tips and hacks, and garden-to-table recipes. Sign up here-

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It would mean a lot to me if you would share this post with your friends. The link buttons are located just to the left of this post. See you next week. And don’t forget to sign up above and grab your worksheets and one-stop source for organization and garden tidbits…

Next time, we’ll chat about what I learned-the successes and failures as a gardener. I would love to pass on my know-how if it helps another aspiring gardener. Until then…

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