is my toilet cleaner than my car

Is your toilet cleaner than your car?

Get real and ask yourself, is your toilet cleaner than your car?

I’m giving away a free worksheet-Is your toilet cleaner than your car?


Time to answer this question and face the facts! Your car may be dirtier than a toilet.


We take great pride in our cars. Why they are an extension of us. Of our style, our taste, what we want the world to think of us. Our cars are almost as important as our home. Oh, we take them to the car wash, vacuum them and pick up the trash off the floorboards. But how clean is your car?

When was the last time you asked yourself, are the surfaces of my car really clean? Or do they just look that way? The answer to this question could shock you. And here is the answer:

NO! Most of us do not sanitize the interior of our cars. We may never have. And in these tough times, we need to start paying attention to how clean our cars are. We spend so much time in them-so do our families. And we want to protect them from dangerous germs and viruses. That’s why I developed this free checklist-“Is your toilet cleaner than your car or Is your car dirtier than your toilet?”

For the month of October, this free worksheet with help you keep your car clean and sanitized. And subscribers get this and one free worksheet each month on home improvement, style, and décor.

And as a bonus, I host live classes on each of my free monthly worksheets on Facebook. I’ll announce the date for my live class in each worksheet I email. Worksheets are available as a special bonus for my subscribers. So, if you are not a current subscriber, sign up for this month’s worksheet and future worksheets below. We have one or two worksheet challenges each month so don’t miss out on this special opportunity.

I also walk my Instagram audience through the worksheet and exercise live on Instagram and share the videos on Facebook.  Current subscribers, look for this bonus worksheet in your inbox soon.

Don’t wait. Worksheets expire soon. Get that car clean and sanitized!

Want to stock up on supplies? Grab the complete list here:

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is my toilet cleaner than my car


Worksheets are available as a special bonus for my subscribers. Sign up for this worksheet and future worksheets below. We have one or two worksheet challenges each month so don’t miss them. If you are already a subscriber, you will get yours automatically as part of your regular subscription, so no need to sign up again. Regular monthly worksheets are emailed to subscribers on the first Monday of each month. Grab your free monthly worksheets in the box below!

If you are looking for more great home declutter articles and tips, head over to my blog and grab the latest news in home organization.

I want to thank each of you for reading and commenting. It is a joy to write and interact with all of you. If you would, take a minute to sign-up for the monthly news and free worksheets. They are loaded with free info and tips on gardening, organizing tips and hacks, and garden to table recipes. Sign up here-

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It would mean a lot to me if you would share this post with your friends. The link buttons are located just to the left of this post. See you next week. And don’t forget to sign up above and grab your worksheets and one-stop source for organization and garden tidbits…

Until next time…

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