What’s so important about Amazingly Simple Bedroom
Declutter Tips and a clutter-free bedroom?
There are so many reasons to stage your bedrooms for peace and calm. Seems obvious, right? It kind of is. Our bedrooms need an Amazingly Simple Bedroom Declutter Tips makeover to be free of anything that distracts us from a calm, restful sleep.
Remember the kind lecture I gave a few months ago about how each room serves our basic needs? And how we need to declutter and organize them in that way! Take a second to revisit it here!
Whether or not you participating in my One Room a Month Home Organization Reboot Course or not, our April theme is to start fresh for Spring. So let’s get a better night’s sleep. A special thank you to Stress-Free Living for the tips listed here.
Now on with our Amazingly Simple Bedroom Declutter Tips makeover.
Step 1: Identify the Clutter Areas
Clutter piles up in certain areas. The first step to declutter your bedroom take a look around the room and see where the problem areas are.
Some areas to watch out for when doing an Amazingly Simple Bedroom Declutter Tips makeover include:
- Bedside tables
- Dressing tables (makeup, jewelry, etc.)
- On top of counters
- Inside closets
- Inside drawers
Step 2: Pick Which Way you Want to Declutter
A) Bit by Bit:Â Pick one area and tackle that area for the day. A draw, or say the bedside table. This decluttering method works slowly but is ideal if you are short on time. The upside is that you carry out decluttering one area, instead of trying to tackle the room and not really decluttering any one area. You slowly build momentum.
B) All in One: Grab some boxes, chuck everything (or almost everything) in the boxes, and put these boxes in another room. This way you get the decluttered feeling straight away. You’ll then go through and sort through the boxes outside of the bedroom when you have time.
C) Trash It: Grab trash bags, and storage boxes and take the day to completely go through everything and either trash it, store it or find a place for it in the bedroom. Make it a goal of doing it in one day. Otherwise, it might just drag on and never get done. Be ruthless in throwing things out, and once you build the momentum you’ll be able to work faster and faster. Don’t stop and think too much about one item, keep moving forward.
Step 3: Clutter Busters, a key point in the success of an Amazingly Simple Bedroom Declutter Tips makeover
To beat clutter, you’ll need to find a way to keep things a bit more organized. The key here is to make it as easy as possible for you to keep things tidy.
The easiest way to do this is by having ‘clutter bowls’. These are decorative bowls placed in clutter-prone areas. Have one by the bedside or on the dresser to hold your keys, wallet, phone, coins, etc.
Drawers are where things go to get lost. They get buried and pushed to the back. Horrible places. You should never really have just one big draw open like that if you want to store a number of items in them. Instead, have drawer dividers. This helps group things together, creates an isolated space for items, and prevents things from getting mixed up.

The same thing for drawers can be said for shelves. If you are storing a number of items on a shelf, and they get moved around a lot, then you’ll want to have shelf dividers to keep things in line.
Get Rid of Visual Clutter
Clutter usually comes in a small form. Bits and pieces here and there. But I think there is also visual clutter that needs to be taken off, which helps greatly in creating a relaxing space.
For example, imagine if your closet didn’t have doors and you could see everything inside of it from your bed. I’d rather have curtains put up so it is hidden away.
The form you have selected does not exist.
Step 4: Build on That Clutter-Free Feeling
Now that you have a more relaxing bedroom space, you’ll want to keep it that way. One way to do this is to buy premium statement pieces for your bedroom. Spending a little money on some premium and luxury items will make you want to take care of your room, and make sure that you keep it tidy and clutter-free.
Since the bed is the biggest piece in the bedroom, making it the focal point, I’d say buy some premium bedding.
Wall art is another area to splurge. Using walls for storage and decor creates space and is one of my favorite aspects of an Amazingly Simple Bedroom Declutter Tips makeover.
If the bedside table is a problem area, then splurge on an art/decor piece that can be placed on the table. The same goes for any countertops. Replace the clutter with premium, highly loved decor pieces.
Enjoy a more restful sleep. I hope you enjoyed this Amazingly Simple Bedroom Declutter Tips makeover post. Print it out (I try to make my post short and to the point) jump in and get started.
Our next conversation is about New Year’s gardens. If you love gardening, it’s a must-see. That’s all for now. See you then!