Maintaining an Organized Home

A Clutter-Free Home

Keep your home organized using simple weeding and decluttering tips and advice each day. Here is a list of awesome ways to keep things from becoming cluttered once and for all:

Ways to keep a clutter-free home

Regular Weeding of Your Closet

Keeping Your Home Organized

How To Decide What to Declutter

Sorting our Stuff

Simple everyday tips to keep organized

And here is a list to use to keep each day organized:

  1. Make your bed every day.
  2. Plan dinner in the night before.
  3. Make your lunch the night before.
  4. Do the dishes after dinner.
  5. Tidy and pick up before you go to bed
  6. Pick out your clothes the night before.
  7. Keep a note pad next to your bed for anything that comes to mind.
closet organizing checklist

Easy Peasy Closet Organizing Checklist

Closet Organizing Checklist Use a simple Closet Organizing Checklist to keep your closet organized once and for all!   Decluttering your closet does not have to be overwhelming. In fact, most people believe this myth that it is too hard to do. Even the most cluttered home can’t stand up to simple, daily small acts […]

Easy Peasy Closet Organizing Checklist Read More »

cut time getting ready in half

Get Ready and Out the Door in Half the Time

Cut Time Getting Ready in Half This formula can help you do just that…   A few weeks ago I posted an article about how to Declutter the Closet.  I am going to show you how to take those few fabulous essential pieces find your recipe style and cut time getting ready in half. Most

Get Ready and Out the Door in Half the Time Read More »

staying organized

Must-Have Rules for Staying Organized

Staying Organized Let’s just start by congratulating you on being here. It takes dedication and commitment to want to change your mindset and to stay organized once and for all.  The clutter didn’t happen overnight. It took years for that to accumulate. Now that you are committed to staying organized, let’s look at what it

Must-Have Rules for Staying Organized Read More »

Decluttering Your Home

Quick Simple Plan for Decluttering Your Entire Home

Honestly, decluttering your home is probably not at the top of your list? Probably doesn’t give you joy or bring a smile to your face, until it’s over and you see the beautiful results. Then it does. Decluttering your home can be the most mundane part of our lives and not the most fun according

Quick Simple Plan for Decluttering Your Entire Home Read More »

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