2021 garden-to-table recipes

2021 Garden-to-Table Recipes

There is one really simple way to get all the fruits and veggies you need, my 2021 garden-to-table recipes trick. Well, and a few others I’ll share. Why is this so important?

My 2021 Garden-to-Table Recipes chat will be a short, to-the-point.

The way most of us like them. But first, a bit of proof! Did you know that only one in ten of us get the recommended fruits and veggies each day? That is shocking. And we need them to prevent most disease-related illnesses.

How much is enough?

The federal fruit and vegetable recommendations vary by age and sex:

Adult women need at least 1½ cups of fruit and 2½ cups of vegetables each day

Adult men need at least 2 cups of fruit and 3½ cups of vegetables each day.

The first step is to carve out a little bit of time and change a few simple habits. I know. More time. But maybe you can let go of an unhealthy habit, and replace it with these?

The first 2021 Garden-to-Table Recipes advice: Repurpose, Repurpose, Repurpose!

What? If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen my posts and stories about juicing and extracting. Now before you roll your eyes, hear me out. You can juice in less than 10 minutes from start to finish with the right (inexpensive, easy to use) juicers and make delicious recipes out of the pulp! Stick around for 2 delicious recipes coming up next month:

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The first of my 2021 garden-to-table recipes is all about the broth. One of the easiest ways to get more veggies is to use your leftover chopped peelings, cores, and pieces of your veggies and make stock. You just pop them in a baggie and into the freezer until you are ready to make it. Check out the post here!

It’s a delicious way to prep for that favorite soup, stew, or chili recipe. Another great way to get all the fruits and veggies is to juice or extract and use all the pulp for sauces and healthier desserts. We love using tomato and carrot pulp for marinara or spaghetti sauces. And I mentioned soup before. You can use all the veggie pulp for soups, stews, and chili. Yummy! And the pulp is so healthy. So don’t toss it. Freeze it. Here are a few of my favorite easy-to-use juicers. It literally takes me 10 minutes from start to finish to make juice-and that included the cleanup.

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Here is another easy way to use peppers. If you have been following me on Instagram, you will know what recipe I am about to talk about!

Make brined pickled sweet and sour peppers. Talk about a healthy probiotic. BAM!

Just chop some peppers into bite-size pieces and put them into a mason jar. Make sure to fill the jar and pack it tight with your fingers. Leave a half-inch at the top. Also, leave the seeds in or remove them. Make the following hot brine and pour over the peppers:

3/4 cup of water, 1 cup white vinegar, 2 tablespoons of sugar or sugar substitute, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of peppercorns, and one tablespoon of coriander seeds. Place in a saucepan, cook until boiling. Cook 5 more minutes on a low boil. Pour over the peppers in the mason jar. Done in less than 15 minutes.

How about a few more easy ways to add more fruits and veggies into your diet?

  • Save time and money by chopping extra fruit or vegetables at one time and freezing the extra.

  • Choose frozen or canned fruits and vegetables at the store.

  • Most adults get their fruit at breakfast. Add more fruit to your diet by grabbing a small apple or banana as your afternoon snack.

  • Dinner time is when most adults eat their vegetables. Get more veggies in your diet by adding them to your lunch time sandwich, or packing carrot sticks or grape tomatoes as a snack.

Download this guide by the CDC called Strategies to Prevent Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases. Save it to your phone and use it to shop and prep meals.

I hope this article was helpful. Please leave me a comment below. I read and respond to each and every one.

Next time as promised… spaghetti sauce recipe and carrot cake from our juicing pulp. Until then…


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