Organize Your Home

So, what does an organized home look like, and how does it affect our health?

Wikipedia defines well-being as the condition of an individual or group, their social, economic, psychological, spiritual, or medical state.  A high level of well-being means in the individual or group’s condition is positive, while a low well-being condition is negative.

The Mindset to Organization

Do we connect an organized home and well-being with clutter and disorganization? Probably not! Most folks tend to blow off decluttering and think that it is just a necessary evil and that their clutter does not affect them much. It does! And in profound ways. Clutter and chaos have been proven to directly undercut our emotional and physical well-being. In this post, I will show you how clutter negatively affects your overall well-being and how an organized home affects it in powerfully positive ways.

Living in vast clutter and disorganization takes its toll, particularly on yours and your family’s well-being. Specifically, well- being has four components: emotional, physical, spiritual, and connection or “connectedness”. How many of us are working hard to increase our own and our family’s well-being? Everyone I talk to is. Most folks that I visit with want a very high level of well-being in all of these four areas.

Here are some links that outline how to organize your home:

How a Cluttered Home Affects Your Overall Well-being

Storytelling-Organize Your Sentimental Stuff

Journal to Boost Organization and Productivity

clean organized decluttered home

Spring Cleaning-Free 30 Day Declutter Challenge

I want to share a spring cleaning secret with you that will help you save time and money and guarantee an organized decluttered home. If you want a clean organized decluttered home, then use my unique and simple spring cleaning method. Here is how I discovered this simple technique! Some twenty years ago, I accidentally […]

Spring Cleaning-Free 30 Day Declutter Challenge Read More »

home organization mapping

Must-Have Home Organizing Goals-Part 2

Use home organization mapping to create your dream spaces Last time we talked about home organization resolutions and intentions-and using a system that I call home organization mapping. The term mapping means simply drawing your vision of how you will use each space in your home. The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into

Must-Have Home Organizing Goals-Part 2 Read More »

mapping home organization

Home Organization Must-Have Super Goals-Maps!

What does it mean when I say mapping home organization? What do I mean by mapping? Making home organization maps of each room is a simple way to draw out what we want to happen in each space, using a picture or diagram. Now, I have learned since designing my blog and business is that

Home Organization Must-Have Super Goals-Maps! Read More »

2018 New Years Home Organization Resolutions

Make Resolutions That Last

Time to make those 2018 New Years Home Organization Resolutions! It’s that time again It’s here. 2018 is here! It’s worth saying again: Time to make those 2018 New Years Home Organization Resolutions. Rather than focus on the usual resolutions, I want to talk about boosting home productivity! How do we boost home productivity to

Make Resolutions That Last Read More »

2018 New Years Home Organization Resolutions

Make Your 2018 Dream Goals

Your 2018 home organization resolutions should be your vision for the year…your goals, your action plan for success. It’s the perfect time to start getting your home organized! How many of us make New Year’s resolutions? And keep them? “The secret to getting ahead is to get started!” Mark Twain Ultimately, I call resolutions our

Make Your 2018 Dream Goals Read More »

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