Save time and money using homemade vegetable broth
This post is the third in a series that celebrate ways to save time and money using homemade vegetable broth. Don’t toss those ordinary vegetable trimmings any more. Save time and money using homemade vegetable broth, decrease food waste, and make flavorful meals. I have a confession. I love to cook and have a lot of time to cook. Most families don’t! They want dinner whipped up and magically appear on the table.
Well, you need a genie to have your dinner served magically on the table each night. Better yet, I can give you some simple easy tips on using those vegetable trimmings in miraculous ways. Ways that will save you time, money, cut waste, and make your everyday meals taste every more delicious by using homemade vegetable broth.
Why this recipe is so great!
In my two previous posts Compete Easy Freezer Meals and Easy Delicious Freezer Meal Ingredients I talked about how easy and simple it is to make and freeze your meals and ingredients to keep your favorite meals at your fingertips and cut the cooking time in half. The third tip is so ridiculously simple and logical that I was embarrassed that I was not doing this for years. Make vegetable broth from scrap vegetable trimmings is not only delicious but cuts waste and makes your delicious meals even tastier.
I discovered this trick two years ago. I had some leftover vegetable scraps that I was getting ready to toss and it hit me. After chopping celery, carrots, bell peppers, and onions one day, it came me. Why toss these scraps? Why not make broth and freeze it for future meals? All I need was a stockpot and cheesecloth. I make my own vegetable broth with just veggies and water. Here is another recipe for the vegetable broth at Allrecipes.

So I did. I use vegetable broth now instead of water in most meals. It is particularly delicious in rice and couscous and in boiling beans and pasta. The flavor is wonderful and sets meals apart from those that use water. Simply toss the trimmings in a pot with your favorite herbs and boil for an hour or so. Strain and freeze. I use mason jars or plastic storage containers. I don’t add salt until I use the broth. That way I can follow the recipe’s instructions for salt and control our sodium intake. If I do not have time to boil them right away, freeze the scraps and boil them later. The scraps and stock will keep in the freezer for up to two months.
Now Make That Homemade Vegetable Broth
There are so many good reasons to make broth from vegetable scraps. Try this yourself and you will see the greatest benefit is the boost of delicious flavor it will add to your favorite meals. Check out my blog page here for more great ways to increase productivity and organize the kitchen and other areas of your home.
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