Decluttering Each Area of Your Home

Decluttering each area of your home is the first important step in organizing your house. Decluttering each area of your home takes up 80% of the time and the actual” organization” takes up roughly 20%. Practice every day for just fifteen to thirty minutes and you can have the home you dream of.

Decluttering each area of your home does not have to be a daunting task!

It’s important to realize that decluttering and organizing your home is a life long commitment. You are committed to your family, your job, and your friends. Why not put that same effort into organizing your home? It’s not as hard as it seems. Read my posts to discover how to eliminate clutter and organize your house.

Awesome Posts to Help You Declutter:

Clutter Negatively Affects Your Overall Well-Being

Simple Tips to Decluttering

Simple Plan for Decluttering

Declutter the Closet

Weed Your Closet and Cut Your Morning Routine in Half

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